Children's Dentistry

Dr. Mulye believes that a trip to the dentist should be fun, lighthearted, and not something to fear. The way your child is exposed to dentistry lays the groundwork for how they view dental care and dental visits for the rest of their lives.

Dr. Mulye and his team love caring for their patients, and work hard to make sure each child is spoken to gently, treated with respect, and cared for as if they were our own child. We use simple words to explain procedures to our patients and make sure each parent or guardian is aware of the process as well.

Infant Oral Exams

Studies have shown that the earlier a child receives their first dental exam, the less dental treatment was needed during their youth. We recommend oral exams for children when their first tooth erupts.

Learn more about infant oral exams >

Children's Cleanings & Exams

Routine cleanings and exams are necessary to make sure your child’s teeth stay healthy throughout childhood. Our doctor recommends two cleanings a year to maintain optimal oral health.

Learn more about children's cleanings & exams >


Digital X-rays

Digital x-rays allow our doctor to get a view of your child’s teeth and jaws that they can’t see with their eyes, while keeping radiation exposure to a minimum.

Learn more about digital x-rays >


Regular fluoride treatments help reduce your child’s risk of developing cavities and can remineralize areas where decay is starting. Dr. Mulye believes regular fluoride treatments are an important part of treatment for most children.

Learn more about Fluoride >


Sealants For Children

Sealants help protect your child’s teeth from decay by filling in the grooved biting surfaces of your child’s teeth, making them easier to clean. The dentist applies this light-cured material in minutes, and the procedure requires no anesthesia.

Learn more about sealants for children >


Most parents know the teen years present unique challenges. When it comes to your teen’s dental health, rapid changes seem to happen almost daily. A good partnership with our team can help you and your teen survive these sometimes difficult years.

Learn more about teen's dentistry >



Metal grins fill the pages of many high school yearbooks. But braces offer benefits at many different stages of life. Identifying problems at a young age allows for early intervention which can often reduce how long your child is in treatment. Monitoring growth and development at your child's regular preventive visits are just a part of our commitment to your family's dental health.

Learn more about ortho screenings >